Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Casey, Weekend Eats Volunteer

Volunteer Spotlight: Casey

Food For Free is grateful to have an incredible cohort of dedicated volunteers in order to help us meet the need for fresh food in our community. We’re excited to start this new series where we regularly feature these generous individuals!

Casey has been a rockstar when it comes to helping out Weekend Eats, formerly Cambridge and Somerville Weekend Backpack Programs, and shows up every single week at the Inner Belt Packing and Distribution Center with a smile. Her energy is contagious, and her SUV can almost fit every single one of our Weekend Eats coolers on a heavy delivery daytrust us, we tried!

Thank you for your work, Casey! Read more about Casey and her experience with Food For Free.

“Prior to volunteering at Food For Free, I was a Registered Nurse and stay-at-home mom.

I was motivated to volunteer because I felt I was missing something in my life and needed to do something with more meaning and purpose. Volunteering is a meaningful use of my time because I enjoy meeting people that enjoy doing the same as me; helping others expecting nothing in return. I feel good knowing that I am helping kids in need.

The most memorable accomplishment of my volunteer experience is delivering lunches to the camps and seeing how grateful the counselors are.

A saying that summarizes my perspective on volunteering is “If you’re going to be one thing, be kind.”

We are always seeking dedicated people to help support our programs through any one of our volunteer shifts. For more information and to get involved, visit www.foodforfree.org/volunteer!
